Tuesday, March 26, 2013


True story:
A few days ago, I stopped at a travel center on I-10 for no explicable reason. That is not like me. I did not need fuel, was not hungry and did not need to use the facilities. But I pulled in and looked around a few minutes, wondering why I was there. Leaving the parking lot, I spotted a fellow holding a sign that said, "Traveling and stranded. Anything will help." He had a half-starved dog with him. I went over, handed him a dollar bill and a bottle of water for him and his dog, then left. (I keep bottles of water and singles handy for just that purpose.)
Pulling back onto the interstate, phrases I always quote people flooded my mind: Do something kind for someone who is in no position to repay you. Practice random acts of kindness daily. The verse from the Bible that says - Give and it shall be given unto you. And all that stuff about "tenfold". I thought this strange as I always give from the heart with no thought of re-compensation.
I went about my busy day afterwards and it did not cross my mind again...till later that evening.
After enjoying some family time at the county fair, I looked down to see money on the ground as we walked back to the truck. I knew it was paper money at first glance, so I bent down to pick it up, smiling at my good luck. A chill went through me however as I bent over and realized the bill was folded so the words, IN GOD WE TRUST were staring up at me. It was a $10 bill. 

I knew instantly God had given me a sign.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Get rid of discouragement before it gets rid of you...

Discouragement causes a person to wallow in pity and do nothing.

This doesn't have to happen, but unfortunately it does. Once we realize discouragement is a form of self pity, we begin to take a long look at ourselves and hopefully decide to act.

Do something that will take you out of a negative situation. The answer to discouragement is positive action.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blaze your own trail!

Follow the same trail as the rest of the sheeple and you'll wind up in a rut.


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